Fullbody Snow Goose Decoys - Per 6

Fullbody Snow Goose Decoys - Per 6

Regular price $129.99 $79.99 Sale


Who needs a bulk priced fullbody goose decoy more than a snow goose hunter? The Bulk Decoy Club went after this project with one thing in mind - cost savings.

This full sized no frills snow goose fullbody is meant to BULK up your spread quickly and as cheap as possible!

The durable EVA plastic used to produce our Economy Snow Goose Fullbody is the same proven material used to create our Canada Fullbodies, allowing for increased motion, back-saving transport around the field, and an even cheaper price. This light weight material is rigid but does have some "give" to it, although they'll run exactly like standard hard plastic fullbodies.

The stakes stay connected to the decoys as you're jockeying them around the field and when you're piling them in the trailer. No more setting stakes and trying to line up cones in the dark! These are the fastest setting fullbody decoys in the world! We truly feel this decoy and system is going to change the snow goose fullbody decoy game.

  • Durable EVA Plastic - Not a Foam Decoy!
  • Only "collapsible" if you want them to be. 
  • Light weight, great motion
  • The cheapest fullbody decoy ever!

Tail loop fittings are pre-molded into the decoy. Any fullbody spring snow goose hunter will tell you these are a must have design feature! If you have been looking for cheap full body snow goose decoys without sacrificing quality, you've found the answer.

Compare Bulk Decoy Club Fullbody Snows for $79.99 per 6 in price to:

  • Avian-X Snows ($149.99)
  • Greenhead Gear Snows ($129.99)
  • Dakota Decoy Snows ($149.99)
  • Tanglefree Pro Series ($159.99)
  • Higdon Full-size Snow ($149.99)
  • And don't forget the shipping and tax on those!

They come with 23" pointed fiberglass stakes.

Weight including stakes: 4lb 2oz per 6!


6 packs: 2 sentry and 4 feeder positions in each pack.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 69 reviews
Scott Mitchell

Good decoy

Excellent for packing in

These decoys are great for long walks in to a spot. The BDC full bodies paired with silos make a great spread w no need for a truck and trailer to haul them. Details are realistic on the decoys. Setup and take down is easy, and 4 of these decoys will fit in one slot of a multi slot goose decoys bag allowing ease of transport. My only complaint is that the feeders are hard to make retain shape when you pop them out from the “shipping/storage” position.

Rick Vieira


Mike Neal

Decent decoys for the price

Kenny Floyd
Full body Snow decoys

WOW! WOW! We were so surprisingly pleased to get this 6pk of decoys. The quality & detailing are top notch! Best we have seen & looking forward to using this coming season & soon to be ordering more!!